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Extra Curricular Activities

Throughout the school year there are lots of opportunities for children to join a variety of clubs.


After school clubs are provided by a combination of staff, volunteers and external companies. A small fee is charged for some clubs to cover costs. We have an Opportunities Fund, however, which can help with costs where there is a particular talent or interest that should be pursued or when financial hardship is a barrier to participating in school life. Contact the office staff for details on what clubs are available – it’s best to find out towards the end of each term so you know the full menu of options for the following term. The after-school clubs menu changes each term. Provided there’s enough take-up, the clubs will run. Here are some of the clubs we have run recently:

  • Multi-skills sports Club

  • Arts and crafts Club

  • Football Club

  • Rugby Club

  • Music Maker Club (including ukulele)

  • Book Club

  • Dance Club

  • Tennis Club

  • Pizza Club – additional support for Maths and English

  • Violin beginners Club

  • Computer Club  

  • Capoeira Club

  • Philosophy Club

  • Spanish Club

  • Match Attacks and trading cards Club

  • Cricket Club

  • Netball Club

  • Drama Club

  • Gymnastics Club


As well as clubs after-school, look out for other occasional clubs. Lunch-time clubs and activities are popular and include extra rugby, football, cross-country running, drawing, reading and Newspaper Club. Please see Mrs Maver if you have any questions.


Music Lessons


All children in Year 4 learn to play the djembe drum as part of the music curriculum at Shire Oak. In addition, parents can opt for children from Y2 upwards to have instrumental lessons with peripatetic teachers from Yorkshire Music Education Service. A wide range of instruments are on offer, including piano/keyboard, drums, violin, clarinet, flute, brass and guitar. These lessons are cheaper than external private lessons and are run in small groups. They are an excellent introduction to learning an instrument. School can often arrange to loan an instrument and uses bursaries and the Opportunities Fund to ensure wide participation in these lessons.

Shire Oak Environment Club News

Stop The Rot Wins!!

Congratulations Rory, Georgia, Lia and Joshua for coming up with the winning idea in the Food Waste Applied Creativity Lab.

Shire Oak is proud of you.

Read all about what the judges had to say:

Stop the Rot Capture.PNG
Praise for STR Capture.PNG
Praise for STR Capture 2.PNG

School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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