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English at Shire Oak

At Shire Oak we follow the National Curriculum for teaching English. We use high quality books and other texts to promote a love of reading and writing as well as ensuring that children acquire the knowledge and develop the skills they need for future study, work and life. The English subject leader has worked with teachers, external consultants and children to choose the best books for us to use.

Reading and Phonics


At Shire Oak we plan our whole class phonics lessons using the FFT Success for All phonics scheme. We send home the e-versions of the shared readers used in class. Children also have home reading books chosen from our wide selection that we continually update. These include Oxford Reading Tree, Floppy’s Phonics, Jelly and Bean, All Aboard, Fireflies and Ginn 360 and are chosen to be phonically decodable or to build sight vocabulary, appropriate to need. All children visit our well stocked library weekly to choose books for information and pleasure. Upper KS2 Library Monitors support younger children to use the library and role model positive reading behaviours. This is supplemented by visits to Headingley Library to build good reading habits for life.


English Curriculum Framework




School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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