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Welcome to Year 6

Our Learning


We’d like to welcome you back after a well-earned spring break.


There will be a focus on SATs preparation leading up to the week beginning 13th May. However, after the SATs are finished, the entire term will be filled by our topic ‘The Tempest’ which will encompass a wide range of learning, including transitioning to high school. Our main focus will be geography, finding out about coastal erosion. We will investigate physical and human characteristics, coasts and how they have changed over time through erosion and how sea defences help to slow this down. There will also be a local history study later in the term. Much of the maths curriculum has been taught so our focus will be on applying skills in different contexts through projects. As always, we will be linking our writing, as well as art, design technology and French, to our topic. PSHCE this term will focus on Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) – an opportunity to see the teaching materials and ask any questions will be provided closer to the time – and transitioning from primary to high school.


School: 0113-275-5890

Pre-School: 0113-230-4035

Shire Oak CE Primary School

Wood Lane, Headingley, LS6 2DT

Shire Oak is a safe and inclusive school and we expect all adults who work with, visit or meet our children to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding and regard for the welfare of children. 

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